It's weird I have been working toward this moment for a long time. I remember back to key moments in my life where I really became connected with truth and was living in harmony with what I thought were my principals.
France-I had an amazing moment where I began to eat locally home-grown foods, and was all about the purity of life. I ran daily, played on the French regional woman's soccer team, and did yoga daily. I transformed my mind more than anything and my body followed. I shocked my gym teacher at my French Lycee. What worked for me? Clean food, lots of veges and broths made from scratch...hiking, biking, soccer, running, yoga, oh and journal writing...
Eastern Townships- Quebec
I did a work exchange where I helped out at an Indian Ashram...We did yoga 3 times daily, hiking at night by moonlight to the sounds of Coyotes howling. I was fasting, eating lean meats (because the "guru" thought that this was right for my body type), veggies, no juices, grains, sugar, dairy....I could actually do a headstand at that time...I could stretch my body like a pretzel, and I felt amazing.
Italy-I really connected when I had a term paper due over Christmas and had to stay at my apartment during the holidays to work. I began to eat only organic, local foods, went for walks and sprints, meditated, did yoga at sunrise, and spent time wandering some local Bergamese farms among sheep and cows and horses....It was a painful time because I had a lot of stress and was away from my family, but it also revealed a lot about what I wanted for myself.
Fast-Forward to today....
Well, I have not been as successful with my weight loss, but I am learning that at the most healthy times in my life, I was eating what I know now as Intermittent Fasting and Paleo and doing a lot of outdoor exercise...I am truly happy and peaceful when I follow this mode of life....The challenge is how to integrate this with a fast-paced urban working lifestyle....I think I am slowly coming onto something.
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